Takeover Request Form - Information

Thank you for the opportunity to take over the current accounting and administration of your Fund. To facilitate the takeover of the accounting/administration of your Fund we will need some information from yourself and your previous accountant/administrator.

In the following form you will find questions in relation to the Fund and current members, please complete to the best of your knowledge and any information not provided will be requested from your previous accountant/administrator.

Section 1 - Fund Details

Fund Address

Section 2 - Trustee Structure

Section 3 – Superannuation Fund Registrations

The default and recommended option is for the fund to be registered for GST.

Section 4 – Corporate Trustee

Section 5 – Current Fund Administrator/Accountant

Section 6 - Member/Trustee Details

Member / Trustee 1

Former Name

Section 7 - Declaration

By signing the below declaration, I/we as trustees/members of the fund: